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Citizenship timeframes

Check this page regularly for up-to-date citizenship processing times.

Check the progress of your application:

To check the progress of your application, click on the link below. Select 'Continue saved application', then log in using RealMe.

Check the progress of your application

Application assessment

The oldest applications we are starting to assess were received in early January 2023.

If your application was received after January 2023, the Department of Internal Affairs cannot provide any further information on the status of your application.

These timeframes were updated in February 2024.

The time taken to process an application in the past is no guarantee of how long it may take in future.

Application outcome

98% of applicants receive an outcome within 17 months of submitting their application.

Application process

99% of applicants are granted citizenship within 18 months of submitting their application.

We collect data on the status of New Zealand citizenship applications by the date they were received:

Status of Citizenship by Grant applications by date received at DIA - Dataset -

Citizenship ceremonies

Citizenship ceremonies are arranged by local councils and the timeframe for attending these varies across New Zealand.

Citizenship ceremonies

About citizenship timeframes

How the citizenship process works

All citizenship applications submitted to the Department undergo automated checks as part of a preliminary assessment.

These checks sort applications based on the amount of manual intervention required by a case officer. This preliminary check allows us to process the majority of applications quickly.

Why some applications are processed faster than others

The time it takes to process an application can differ, depending on:

  • the applicant’s individual circumstances
  • how much of their application we can assess using automated checks.

Our online system lets us make automated checks to see if an applicant meets certain requirements for citizenship.

As an example of an automated check, the system matches your application with your Immigration New Zealand record. It then uses this information to calculate if you meet the presence requirement.

This means that some applications can now be processed much more quickly than others because they need fewer checks to be made by a case officer, or they are simpler to process. Applications that need extra manual checks may take longer.

Your application may need extra manual checks if:

  • you changed your name after you migrated to New Zealand
  • you had a gap in your residency status
  • you did not meet the presence requirement the day you applied for citizenship
  • your photo does not meet the required quality standards
  • we cannot automatically match your data from Immigration New Zealand
  • external checks by other government agencies indicate you might not meet the requirements.

To help us process your application as quickly as possible:

  • apply online, if you can
  • make sure you meet the requirements for citizenship before you apply
  • provide all the necessary documents.

Check you meet the requirements for NZ citizenship

When an application is unable to be assessed by automated checks

If part of an application is unable to be assessed by the automated checks, a case officer needs to look at it to understand why.

Once we have looked over the application, we will contact you if we need any additional information. We are otherwise unable to share the results of automated checks.

There is no urgent citizenship service

Although there is no urgent citizenship service, in rare circumstances we may be able to assess your application out of the standard queue order. However, this does not affect the time required for completing all the necessary checks.

A request for urgency is usually only approved if you are in a situation out of your control and you have no other option.

All requests for urgent processing must be accompanied by documented evidence as outlined below.

The Citizenship Office will consider whether you need citizenship:

  • to travel for a medical emergency
  • to represent New Zealand
  • for work or deployment
  • to stand for election
  • for humanitarian reasons.

Requests for urgent processing are not approved for:

  • financial reasons, such as not wanting to pay for a passport from your home country or a visa from another country
  • a preference to travel on a New Zealand passport
  • any other personal preference.

While your application is being processed, make sure your existing overseas passport or travel document is valid. If it is due to expire within the next year, you may need to renew it in case of urgent travel. This also applies to any relevant visas issued by Immigration New Zealand.

Medical emergencies

You may meet this criterion if you need to leave the country to help a sick relative, or get medical treatment you cannot get here. It must be critical, and there must be no other option.

If you believe you meet this criterion, you must write a letter explaining why you need New Zealand citizenship urgently. Include evidence for your reasons. This might be in the form of:

  • medical letters indicating a critical need to travel
  • confirmation of overseas medical appointments
  • confirmation that treatment is not available in New Zealand
  • confirmation that you cannot travel on your current document

Email the letter and evidence to

Representing New Zealand

You may meet this criterion if you are representing New Zealand in sport or another activity, and need citizenship to take part in an upcoming event.

If you believe you meet this criterion, you must write a letter explaining why you need New Zealand citizenship urgently. Include evidence for your reasons. This might be in the form of:

  • a letter confirming your selection for the event
  • confirmation of the event date
  • the event or sporting body rules showing citizenship is a requirement.

Email the letter and evidence to

Employment and deployment

You may meet this criterion if you need citizenship to start a new job, or continue to serve or deploy with the New Zealand Defence Force.

If you believe you meet this criterion, you must write a letter explaining why you need New Zealand citizenship urgently. Include evidence for your reasons. This might be in the form of:

  • confirmation citizenship is a requirement for the job
  • confirmation you have a current job offer and citizenship is the only requirement not met
  • confirmation of the date by which citizenship is needed.

Requests will not be approved to re-locate for work overseas.

Requests for applicants who are current members of the New Zealand Defence Force may be eligible for urgent processing if they require citizenship to continue their service or deployment. Requests for applicants who are wanting to join the New Zealand Defence Force will not be approved.

Email the letter and evidence to

Standing for election

You may meet this criterion if you are standing in an upcoming election. You must write a letter explaining why you need New Zealand citizenship urgently and include evidence for your reasons. This might be in the form of:

  • confirmation of your registration to stand for election
  • confirmation of the election date
  • evidence of your campaign
  • supporting letters from those nominating you.

Email the letter and evidence to

Humanitarian reasons

You may meet the criterion for humanitarian reasons if you are in a position that you have no control over.

If you believe you meet this criterion, you must write a letter explaining why you need New Zealand citizenship urgently. Include evidence for your reasons. This might be in the form of:

  • confirmation that you cannot travel on your current document
  • evidence of humanitarian circumstances
  • an explanation of how this affects you.

Email the letter and evidence to

Utility links and page information

Last updated