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Pay a court fine

​You can court fines online. Speeding tickets and local council parking tickets become court fines if you don’t pay them on time.

What is a court fine

A Judge can fine you in court if you’re found guilty of an offence like drink-driving, disorderly behaviour or theft.

The court will send you a Notice of Fine, telling you:

  • how much you have to pay
  • the ways you can pay
  • what happens if you do not pay
  • what to do if you want to dispute the fine.

You have 28 days from the day the fine was ordered to:

  • pay the fine in full, or
  • make a payment arrangement with the court.

​Check if you have a court fine

Fill in the online form or call 0800 4 FINES, and you’ll get an email back in 2 to 3 days letting you know if you have any outstanding fines.

Check to see if you have a court fine (online form)

When other fines become court fines

Local councils, the Police, and some other authorities can issue you an infringement fee for:

  • speeding
  • illegal parking
  • not registering your dog.

Paying a speeding ticket, parking ticket or Police infringement fee

If you do not pay the infringement fee in time, it’s transferred to the court and becomes a fine. A court cost of $30 is added to the original amount and you have 28 days to pay the new fine amount directly to the court.

Pay your fine

You have to pay your fine in full as a single payment, unless you’ve organised a payment plan with the court.

Ways to pay your fine

If you do not pay in 28 days

If you do not pay a court fine by the due date the court adds an enforcement fee of $102 to the fine. They can also:

  • take money out of your wages, benefit or bank accounts
  • clamp your car
  • seize and sell your car and property
  • stop you from travelling outside New Zealand
  • suspend your driver licence.

If you cannot pay your fine within 28 days

Call the Ministry of Justice on 0800 4 FINES.

Dispute a fine

Court fines

You can appeal court-imposed fines within the 28 days before payment is due — your local District Court has a form you can complete to do this.

Find your local District Court

Police or council infringement fees that have become court fines

If your fine has reached the court because you did not pay a Police or council infringement fee, you can only dispute it under certain circumstances.

Dispute an infringement that’s become a fine

Who to contact for more help

If you need more help or have questions about the information or services on this page, contact the following agency.

Utility links and page information

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Last updated