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Complain about discrimination

Discrimination is illegal — you have the right to complain.

Making a complaint

If you have experienced unlawful discrimination, you can contact New Zealand’s commission for human rights. They provide free, confidential advice on human rights information, support, mediation and dispute resolution.

The website for Te Kāhui Tika Tangata the Human Rights Commission has more information about:

The Human Rights Review Tribunal

The Human Rights Review Tribunal is a specialist body that deals with cases brought under the law. It can award damages for losses suffered and lost dignity.

Human Rights Review Tribunal

Health or disability discrimination

For human rights complaints related to health and disabilities, the Office for Disability Issues website lists the organisations to contact:

Got a problem or need help? — Office for Disability Issues

Children and young people’s rights or safety concerns

For advice on who to contact about children’s rights or safety concerns, the Office of the Children’s Commissioner provides more information:

Help and advice — Office of the Children’s Commissioner

Who to contact for more help

If you need more help or have questions about the information or services on this page, contact one of the following agencies.

Utility links and page information

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