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Domestic and family violence

Services and support for anyone experiencing abuse from a partner, ex-partner, family member, flatmate, friend, or carer.

If you or someone else is in immediate danger

Call 111 now.

  1. 1

    Talk to someone

    Free and confidential help is available. You can talk to someone if you or someone you know is being abused or if you want to change your own behaviour.

    Phone support

    • NZ Relay service — if you need assistive technology to get phone support.
    • 0800 733 843 Women’s Refuge crisis line — free from any phone, 24 hours a day, every day.
    • 0508 744 633 Shine Helpline — free from any phone, 9am to 11pm every day.
    • 0800 456 450 It’s Not OK info line — free from any phone, 9am to 11pm every day.

    Online support

    You can ask for help online through the Women’s Refuge Shielded Site service — available on popular New Zealand websites.

    The service is private and won’t show up in your browser history, so you can get help without anyone finding out.

    1. Go to a New Zealand business website that offers the service, such as The Warehouse, Countdown and Trade Me.
    2. Click on the Shielded Site logo, usually at the bottom of the website:
    3. You can ask the Women’s Refuge for help, make a plan to leave and learn how to stay safe online.

    Counselling services

    Are you OK can help you access support if you are experiencing or witnessing family violence.

    Are you OK

    The Family Services Directory has contacts in your area that can help if you’re dealing with family violence:

    Family Services Directory

  2. 2

    Go somewhere safe

    Phone the Shine Helpline for advice: 0508 744 633 — free from any phone, 9am to 11pm every day.

    Are you ok? can help you access support if you are experiencing or witnessing family violence.

    Support available — Are you OK

    Women’s Refuge offers urgent safe accommodation across NZ and can house women and children in danger.

    Women’s Refuge

  3. 3

    Get police protection

    Police safety orders are issued on the spot to force someone to leave an address, even if they own it or normally live there. They last up to 10 days. You can’t ask for a police safety order. It is up to the police to issue it.

    Police safety orders — New Zealand Police

  4. 4

    Apply for more permanent protection

    Protection from someone close to you

    A protection order gives you protection against someone you have a close relationship with, like:

    • a partner or ex
    • a member of your family
    • someone who lives with you
    • a carer
    • a close friend.

    A protection order means an abuser can be arrested if they hurt, threaten or even approach you or your children.

    Protection orders — Ministry of Justice

    Protection from someone you don’t have a relationship with

    Apply for a restraining order if you’re being harassed by someone you don’t have a close relationship with. A restraining order legally prevents that person from contacting you.

    Restraining orders — Ministry of Justice

    Protection if you’ve been a victim of a violent crime

    You can apply for a non-contact order if you were the victim of a violent crime that led to the offender being sent to prison for more than 2 years. A non-contact order legally prevents the offender from contacting you.

    Non-contact orders — Ministry of Justice

  5. 5

    Receive other support

    If you, or a child in your care, are affected by domestic violence, you can ask your employer for paid domestic violence leave and flexible working arrangements.

    Domestic violence leave

    If you rent, see what your housing options are after family violence.

    Withdrawal from a tenancy following family violence — Tenancy Services

    Safety services are designed to help you deal with the effects of the violence, feel more confident and move forward with your life. There are also courses to help children.

    Free safety courses — Ministry of Justice

Who to contact for more help

If you need more help or have questions about the information or services on this page, contact one of the following agencies.

Utility links and page information

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