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Rates rebate calculator (new)

Use the calculator to work out an estimate of what your rebate might be. You’ll be fully assessed by your council if you apply.

Using the calculator

To get an estimate you'll need to enter information about your rates and living situation. Read the description on each question or get a more detailed explanation.

The result is an estimate only and not an indication of eligibility.

Enter the total rates you will pay for the period to This can be a combination of local, regional or water rates. Find this information on the bill from your council.

What rates can I include?

A dependant is a child (under 18 years on 1 July 2023) or relative who usually lives with you — this includes children in shared care. Your spouse or partner is not a dependant.

Who is a ‘dependant’?

For household income, add up all the money you earned, before tax, from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. Summaries from Inland Revenue and your pay slips often call this amount your 'gross amount'.

If you live with a joint homeowner, partner, or spouse, include what they earned during the same time. Do not include their income if they do not live with you.

Do not include dependants’ income.

More information: [Anchor link] Work out your household income — Who can apply for a rates rebate

Applications close on 30 June each year. Find out how to apply at:

Next step: apply for a rebate

If you think you could be eligible for a rebate, complete an application form.

Apply for a rates rebate: application forms

Application deadline —

You can apply between 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. If you miss a deadline, you cannot get a rebate for previous years.

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Last updated