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Introduction to the Red Book

The Red Book — ‘Ka tika ā muri, ka tika ā mua — Healing the past, building a future’ — is a guide to Treaty of Waitangi claims and negotiations with the Crown.

The Red Book was most recently republished in 2018. Sections of the Red Book relating to overlapping interests have been reviewed, updated and made available online as a separate policy statement. You can download the amended 2018 Red Book PDF and access sections online as these become available in 2021 and 2022.

On this page:

Introduction to the Red Book

An introduction from the author, The Office for Māori Crown Relations — Te Arawhiti.

For many years ‘Ka tika ā muri, ka tika ā mua — Healing the past, building a future —  A Guide to Treaty of Waitangi Claims and Negotiations with the Crown’ has been a reference point for both claimant groups and Crown officials involved in historical Treaty of Waitangi settlement negotiations. Over time, it has become known as the ‘Red Book’.

First published in 1999, the Red Book has been updated several times to reflect practical developments in the negotiations process, Cabinet decisions and Waitangi Tribunal recommendations. The Red Book was most recently republished in 2018 to reflect the new arrangements for the management of the Treaty settlements landbank and to add information on (then) recent settlements. A PDF of the 2018 version of the Red Book can be found in the following section about the Red Book PDF. 

Te Arawhiti are pleased to present updated policy — online only — that relates to overlapping interests. The overlapping interests content has been updated as a matter of priority and made available now as a policy statement because of how central it is to the historical Treaty settlement process.

The 2021 policy statement has replaced the sections relating to overlapping claims or shared interests and exclusive and non-exclusive redress on pages 53, 54 and 55 of the 2018 version of the Red Book. 

Claimant groups and their advisors should still reference the 2018 Red Book for guidance on other aspects of the negotiations process.

Te Arawhiti are also reviewing the mandating sections of the Red Book to reflect best practice and will look to publish it online in the first quarter of 2022.

The Office for Māori Crown Relations — Te Arawhiti, December 2021.

Red Book PDF, as at December 2021

The 2021 PDF version of the Red Book includes:

  • original sections from the Red Book 2018 edition
  • highlighted pages removed in 2021 with the updated policy now online.

The Red Book — ‘Ka tika ā muri, ka tika ā mua Healing the past, building a future’, 2018 edition, updated 2021. (PDF, 4.37 MB)

Red Book online

The sections relating to overlapping claims or shared interests and exclusive and non exclusive redress on pages 53, 54 and 55 of the 2018 version of the Red Book have been replaced with the 2021 overlapping interests policy statement, available online.

The following table will be updated as new sections are made available online in 2022.

Table 1: Red Book
Section Status
Red Book: imprint, acknowledgements, overview of this guide PDF
Text of the Treaty of the Waitangi — Te Tiriti o Waitangi PDF
Settlement Framework PDF
The Negotiations Process PDF
Overlapping interests Online
Settlement Redress PDF
Supporting Information PDF

Utility links and page information

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