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Ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi

Tupu Tonu - Ngāpuhi Investment Fund Limited

02 February 2021.

Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew Little has launched Ngāpuhi Investment Fund Limited, trading as Tupu Tonu. It is a significant step in the Crown’s efforts to restore its relationship with the iwi and its commitment to help ngā hapū meet their economic aspirations for the future.

The ability to engage in meaningful negotiations for commercial redress is an important part of working to restore the Crown’s relationship with ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi. Tupu Tonu, with initial capital of $150 million, is a Crown company that will acquire and grow a portfolio of assets that will be offered by the Crown in negotiations with ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi.

The Fund can invest in a wide variety of New Zealand assets, including land-based businesses, as well as standard financial assets to help the Fund grow. Investment decisions will be made by the Fund itself, according to its kaupapa and investment strategy, which will be developed by the independent board.

A part of the Fund’s annual revenue will be used for grants to ngā hapū me ngā uri o Ngāpuhi.

You can read more about the Fund on the Tupu Tonu website, including how to propose potential investments.

The Minister also announced the Fund’s Board members, who are responsible for developing the kaupapa and investment strategy of the Fund. The Board members have been appointed for their collective experience and knowledge of fund management and investment, governance, business, and the cultural and economic context of Ngāpuhi and Te Tai Tokerau.

The Board members are Sir Brian Roche (Establishment Chair), Deputy Chair Ripeka Evans (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou, Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Kahu), Lindsay Faithfull (Ngāpuhi), Sarah Petersen, and Geoff Taylor.

Recent updates

On 20 April 2022, shareholding Ministers set out their expectations for Tupu Tonu for 2022 / 2023:

On 5 July 2021, shareholding Ministers set out their expectations for Tupu Tonu: 

On 1 December 2021, shareholding Ministers responded to Tupu Tonu’s response to the Letter of Expectations: 

Read the press release from 2 February 2021: 

See the background on the development of the fund: 

Past updates

Confirmation of Te Whakaaetanga Alliance as a hapū grouping — December 2020

On 21 December 2020, the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations confirmed Te Whakaaetanga Alliance as a hapū grouping. The next step is for Te Whakaaetanga Alliance to develop a mandate strategy.

A mandate strategy sets out the process by which the claimant community chooses a representative entity and gives them authority to enter into discussions and agreements with the Crown on their behalf.

Te Arawhiti will work with Te Whakaaetanga Alliance to develop a mandate strategy.

If any hapū or hapū grouping wishes to have more information with regards to this process, please email

Letter from Minister Little on establishment of investment fund — 18 August 2020

On 18 August 2020, the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew Little published an open letter to ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi with an update on the establishment of an investment fund. The intention to explore the idea of a fund was announced by the Minister for Māori Development and Minister Little in December 2019.

The Crown is establishing a Fund, which will acquire a diverse range of assets that the Crown can make available in future negotiations with ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi. Ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi will have the option, in future negotiations, of purchasing the Fund or its assets.

By acquiring and growing assets before negotiations begin, the Fund will help ensure ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi do not miss out on assets such as land that may become available while they are doing the necessary work of developing mandates.

The Crown will own the Fund, which will operate at arm’s length from ministers.

The Crown is working through the establishment of the Fund. It is being assisted by an Establishment Advisory Board of experts, who have been contracted to provide advice on how the Fund will operate. Decisions about specific purchases will be made by the Fund independently once it has been established.

Hon Andrew Little has called for expressions of interest from potential directors of the Fund once it is up and running. Candidates should have strong business and fund management experience, and the Minister is also interested in hearing from candidates who also have knowledge of Northland and ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi, including those with Ngāpuhi whakapapa. In order to avoid conflicts of interest, candidates should not be involved directly in future negotiations with the Crown.

Minister Little’s letter is available in the supporting documents section.

Mandate proposals — December 2019

In December 2019 Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations and the Minister for Māori Development invited mandate proposals from regional hapū groupings to negotiate cultural redress and mandate proposals to negotiate collective matters.
The Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations and the Minister for Māori Development have now agreed regional hapū groupings can develop mandate proposals to negotiate the settlement of all their historical Treaty of Waitangi claims, consistent with Crown mandate policy.

The Crown’s expectation is that issues common to regional hapū groups will be discussed collectively.

Mandate proposal template (PDF 134 KB)

Funding to develop mandate proposals — August 2020

In August 2020, the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations agreed to expand the scope of funding to develop mandate proposals to cover all reasonable costs involved.

Regions have now been allocated a funding pool which covers a broad range of activities to develop mandate proposals which can include, but is not limited to, capability development (holding seminars, or training), communications and project management. For information about funding please email

Funding is still available to support hui for hapū groupings who want to hui or wānanga to discuss developing a mandate proposal.

Funding application form (PDF 321 KB)

He Whakaputanga me Te Tiriti o Waitangi

The Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations is committed to engaging with ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi on He Whakaputanga me Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Before substantive discussions commence the Crown would like to work with regional hapū groupings to co-design the process for engagement.  Te Arawhiti will be in touch in the future about this.

Further information and support

Please email if you would like further information or support in the development of mandate proposals and funding applications.

Supporting documents

File Date Size
Supplementary Analysis Report: Ngāpuhi Investment Fund - 297 KB
Letter from the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations to Te Whakaaetanga Alliance 21 December 2020 103 KB
Mandate proposal template 134 KB
Funding application form 321 KB
Crown Asset Audit maps  24 September 2020 11 KB
Crown Asset Audit spreadsheet  24 September 2020 473 KB
Open Letter to Ngā Hapū o Ngāpuhi 153 KB
Ngāpuhi Investment Fund Board: Director position specification 708 KB
Te Mahurehure Marae initial information hui notes 20 January 2020 120 KB
Te Puea initial information hui notes 20 January 2020 123 KB
Waitangi initial information notes 19 January 2020 137 KB
Kaikohe initial information hui notes 19 January 2020 131 KB
Whangāroa initial information hui notes 17 January 2020 124 KB
Hokianga initial information hui notes 16 January 2020 139 KB
Whangarei initial information hui notes 16 January 2020 124 KB
Notes of Ministerial hui with ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi, Waitangi 8 December 2019 127 KB
Open Letter to Ngāpuhi 4 December 2019 503 KB
Final report from Te Rōpū Tūhono Ngāpuhi Technical Advisors 21 December 2018 418 KB
Ngāpuhi evolved mandate proposal voting and hapū endorsement hui outcomes 17 December 2018 465 KB
Ngāpuhi evolved mandate proposal voting - Final result 17 December 2018 506 KB
Endorsement presentation – Ngāpuhi Endorsement of Evolved Mandate 26 October 2018 443 KB
Proposed amended deed of trust for Mandated Ngāpuhi Authority 26 October 2018 272 KB
Proposed rohe negotiation body rules 26 October 2018 216 KB
Proposed negotiation protocol deed 26 October 2018 130 KB
Summary of feedback on Round 3 hui 24 October 2018 238 KB
Crown considerations following hapū withdrawal 4 October 2018 233 KB
Round 3 update 3 October 2018 992 KB
Summary of feedback on Round 2 hui 28 September 2018 230 KB
Summary of feedback on Round 1 hui 20 September 2018 169 KB
Round 2 update 10 September 2018 613 KB
Attachment 1 to Round 2 update 10 September 2018 1.3 MB
Initial proposal for Ngāpuhi Treaty settlement negotiations 10 September 2018 429 KB
The initial Technical Advisers' Report to Te Rōpū Tūhono, June 2018 15 June 2018 1.9 MB
Maranga Mai final report 10 August 2016 2.5 MB
Notes from hui workshops in February 2016 10 August 2016 522 KB
Feedback emails received in February 2016 10 August 2016 1.6 MB
Notes from hui held in March 2016 10 August 2016 684 KB
Feedback emails received in March 2016 10 August 2016 16 MB
Mandated Authority Engagement Plan 20 May 2015 1.0 MB
Terms of Negotiation 20 May 2015 472 KB
Crown Recognition of Mandate 14 Feb 2014 275 KB
Deed of Mandate Addendum 2013 1.4 MB
Deed of Mandate 2012 8.9 MB
Te Rōpū Whāiti Final Report (March 2012) 2012 1.9 MB
He Ara Hou — A Proposed Strategy and Pathway to Settlement (September 2012) 2012 1.1 MB

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