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Where to start when thinking about residential care

If you’re looking to move into a rest home or hospital you have some big decisions to make. Find out what you first need to think about and do.

Start with these big decisions

You need to make decisions about:

  • the kind of care and services you need
  • which rest home or hospital you would prefer to live in
  • how you’ll pay for it.

Choose your residential care

Paying for residential care

Get a needs assessment

A needs assessment is done to work out the level of care and services you need. Your local Needs Assessment Service Co-ordination (NASC) service will work with you, your family or whānau to assess your needs.

You do not have to get a needs assessment but if you do not you:

  • cannot apply for financial help from the government
  • may have to pay more than the weekly amount set by the government for residential care in your region
  • might have difficulty finding a place in a rest home — many homes will not let you move in unless you’ve had a needs assessment first.

Get a needs assessment

If you need help to make decisions

Often you need to make these decisions at a time when you’re not well. Getting good information and involving those close to you can make the move easier. Once you’ve moved into a rest home or hospital, you may not be able to return to your home.

You can get information and help from:

  • your local Needs Assessment Service Co-ordination (NASC) service — they are part of Te Whatu Ora — Health NZ
  • Seniorline.

Find your local NASC service — NASC

You may also want to get independent legal or financial advice before you move in.

Contact Seniorline

Seniorline provides information for older people about residential care, community services and how to get help at home.

Freephone: 0800 725 463 (NZ only)

Phone: +64 9 375 4396



Who to contact for more help

If you need more help or have questions about the information or services on this page, contact one of the following agencies.

Utility links and page information

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