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Find a doctor

Doctors and practice nurses work in a general practice (medical centre). Find a medical centre to enrol with.

Call 111 if you’re in an emergency.

Even if you’re unsure whether your situation is an emergency — do not wait, call 111.

Accessible options for 111

Search for local doctors

General Practitioners (GPs) are doctors in the community and are usually the first place you go for non-urgent healthcare. You can usually also see a nurse at the medical centre.

Use Healthpoint’s search to find:

  • GPs
  • virtual care clinics — doctor appointments via a video app or a phone call
  • nurse led practices 
  • accident and urgent medical care.

If you select ‘Enrolling new patients’ on the search filter, it’ll show only doctors or medical centres that are accepting new patients.

Find a doctor or medical centre — Healthpoint

You can also find a doctor by calling Healthline on 0800 611 116.

If you cannot find a doctor

If a medical centre is not taking on new patients, they can refer you to their primary health organisation (PHO).

The PHO will help you find another medical centre or they may put you on a waiting list and arrange for you to get care in the meantime.

Primary health organisations — Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora

Who can enrol with a doctor

Medical centres in NZ can only enrol people who are eligible for publicly-funded health services. Check that you qualify before enrolling.

Getting publicly-funded health services

Paying for doctor visits

It’s free to enrol with a medical centre — but you’ll usually pay a fee each time you see a doctor or nurse. Each medical centre sets their own fees, you’ll need to check with your centre what their fees are.

The cost of a visit will be lower if you’re enrolled with the medical centre, because the government subsidises the fee for enrolled patients.

If you have a Community Service Card, you’ll pay lower fees for doctor visits.

Paying for visits to the doctor

Who to contact for more help

If you need more help or have questions about the information or services on this page, contact the following agency.

Utility links and page information

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