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How to make a complaint

If you think you’ve been treated unfairly by a central or local government agency, you can make a complaint.

Complaining to an agency

Most government agencies have a complaints process on their website. If they do not, write to the head or Chief Executive to make your complaint.

Set out your complaint as clearly and briefly as possible. Include:

  • your name and contact details
  • relevant dates, places and times
  • a description of the problem, incident or decision at issue
  • details of any phone conversations, meetings or other steps you’ve already taken to try and sort the problem out
  • any other information you think is important
  • any relevant documents.

Tell the agency what action you think should be taken — you’re more likely to get what you ask for if your demands are reasonable

Ask for your letter to be acknowledged in writing and for the agency to give you an estimate of how long it will take to deal with your complaint. If there’s any urgency, let the agency know and explain why.

If your complaint is not resolved

If your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction or has not been responded to, you can contact the Ombudsman.

Complain to the Ombudsman

Who to contact for more help

If you need more help or have questions about the information or services on this page, contact the following agency.

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